Dead by Daylight was in receipt of its first Resident Evil chapter in summer of last year. The introduction of fan favourites, Nemesis, Leon Kennedy, and Jill Valentine, saw the game reach its highest player count yet on Steam. Obviously having realised exactly what fans are eager for, Behaviour Interactive announced a second Resident Evil chapter during its sixth-anniversary stream in May, 2022. May doesn’t seem all that long ago, but the wait for details of the second chapter, coined Project W, has been agonising. Of course, we all had our suspicions that its name, Project W, could only mean one thing: Albert Wesker. During Behaviour Beyond’s showcase, theories were proven to be true. Albert Wesker - aka The Mastermind - has been unmasked as the latest killer to come to the game. Meanwhile, illusive spy Ada Wong and S.T.A.R.S. medic Rebecca Chambers will be tagging along as survivors. The Mastermind is yet another Bio-Organic Weapon with superhuman strength and speed, and the developer has used this when crafting his abilities. The killer will be able to rush survivors, utilise his extreme strength, and can infect victims with the Uroboros Virus from Resident Evil 5. As a result, First Aid Sprays will be scattered around the map to cure victims, in true Resident Evil fashion. In addition, Project W will see the Raccoon City Police Department map from the Nemesis chapter renovated. A quality of life update for this particular map has been long overdue, and the map will now be split into two based on its east and west wings. I’ve only been saying that this needs to be done for a year now, and even with the waiting, I’m excited to see RCPD evolve. The chapter does not have a release date just yet, but is slated to be arriving soon. What do you reckon to the details of Dead by Daylight: Project W? Are you looking forward to it, or would you rather see a different chapter come to the game? We know that Wesker is certainly going to have fun taunting Jill!

Albert Wesker and Ada Wong are coming to Dead by Daylight in new Resident Evil chapter - 88