The infinite stim glitch is once again being removed from Call of Duty: Warzone. In notes for yesterday’s patch, developer Raven wrote that it was fixing the rather persistent issue in the battle royale game. The firm said that this occurred when players ended up stuck in a “throwback state after throwing back a live grenade.” The infinite stim glitch has been rather resilient. It first popped up last year, with Infinity Ward claiming that it had been fixed in October. It then appeared the following month, before being killed, and then rearing its head once more in January. At the time, Raven said it had addressed the issue in a patch. As its name implies, this allows users to heal themselves infinitely with stims, meaning that players can just sit outside of the playzone – and therefore outside of harm’s way – by healing themselves over and over again. We’re going to presume that this isn’t exactly what Activision was going for with its battle royale hit. Fingers crossed that this most recent update actually removes the infinite stim glitch, though you’d be forgiven for having little faith in it not reappearing at some point. Activision has been working hard to eliminate cheaters from Warzone, announcing earlier this week that it had banned 60,000 accounts in a single wave, bringing the total figure of players booted for using hacks to 300,000 since the battle royale hit launched less than 12 months ago. In its patch notes, Treyarch also reiterated that Raven Software will be in charge of communicating updates with players moving forward. Activision yesterday told investors – shock horror – that a new Call of Duty title is coming to PC and consoles later this year.