The event takes place between October 26 and October 28 on Discord, and will feature a number of roundtable sessions, masterclasses, keynote talks, and perhaps most enticingly one-to-one chats with certain attendees. All of this is free, granted you sign up. In terms of what specific fields of video game related roles that will get some good use out of this event, developers attending come from a variety of backgrounds including audio, VFX, concept art, character design, programming, UI, voice acting, business development, production, community management and writing. So a lot of room for students from a variety of courses to take something away from the event. For a full list of what’s coming, you can check out the full schedule of events on the original GamesIndustry post, but it’s totally worth going to if you’ve got a degree you’re working on. Getting to actually speak to devs — people who spend their days actually making the games we all talk and write about — is well worth doing. And you can do it all via Discord! Back when I was at uni, you had to travel down to London for this kind of thing. How times have changed… Also, Eurogamer editor-in-chief Martin Robinson will be there, talking about their job. Having met Martin, he seems like a really nice guy, and has been typing away on websites way longer than I have. Sign up and say hi from me if you’re planning on going! Will you be turning up? Let us know below, as well as what talks you’re specifically excited for?