This is the first time that Guild Wars 2 has been made available on a third-party platform, and a new Steam trailer has been made available for the launch. Those who use Steam will be able to jump into the fantasy-fuelled MMORPG as of next week, August 23, without the need to spend a penny or start a new subscription; something that Guild Wars 2 appears to pride itself in. That said, those who area already keen fans of the game, or simply live by the motto of “go hard or go home” can purchase the all-new Guild Wars 2 Complete Collection for $99.97 / £86.97. This new content bundle includes the game, all three expansions (Heart of Thorns, Path of Fire, End of Dragons), and all five seasons of the game’s episodic Living World. That’s the whole ten years of the game in one bundle, so those who enjoy Guild Wars 2 need not worry about missing out on anything. To further celebrate the game’s Steam launch, Guild Wars 2 will begin to officially support Twitch Drops, with its first event starting on August 23 and ending on August 28; players who participate in this drop can earn in-game character rewards such as cosmetics and experience. Steam users are able to wishlist Guild Wars 2 now.