Earlier this week, a non-rumour got started because someone noticed that the LinkedIn page of Chad Mirshak, a Halo Infinite UI designer no longer lists the game for Xbox One, just PC and Xbox Series X/S. LinkedIn posts aren’t usually a good source for this because they can be outdated, but the amusing thing here was that Mirshak’s About page actually says the game is being developed for Xbox One alongside the other platforms. (Mirshak has since added Xbox One to the experience section). Nevertheless, the “discovery” revived the old rumour that Halo Infinite had been cancelled for Xbox One, something 343 repeatedly denied. Without fail, someone took the new information to the developer again. John Junyszek, Halo community manager at 343, answered the question with a solid No. “Nope. Please let me enjoy the holidays,” Junyszek replied on Twitter. Obviously, Microsoft could still come out later and confirm that the Xbox One version has been axed, but this isn’t likely to happen now. Halo Infinite is scheduled for release late next year, so the picture will undoubtedly become much clearer in the months to come.