The lawsuit was first filed back in November, claiming that Sony “wilfully violated” labour laws by “intentionally, knowingly, and/or deliberately paying women less than men for substantially equal or similar work.” Now, according to a report from Axios, a US magistrate judge has dismissed 10 of ex-Sony employee Emma Majo’s 13 claims “without prejudice,” which does include the claims that focus on pay discrimination and harassment. According to Axios, Majo is able to amend the claims and attempt to file the lawsuit again, but the ruling does claim she didn’t provide enough evidence. In particular, regarding the alleged violations of the Equal Pay Act. Laurel Beeler, the judge on the case, said “This claim is dismissed because the plaintiff merely recited the elements of the claim and did not allege any specific facts.” Beeler went on to say, “For example, she does not describe her work or how her work was substantially equal to the work of any male allegedly paid more than she was paid.” However, Majo is still able to attempt to sue Sony over three claims involving wrongful termination and violation of whistleblower protections. Since the initial filing of the lawsuit, eight more women came forward to speak out against Sony’s alleged gender discrimination issues. One of the claims made by one of these eight women, a 16 year veteran of Sony Online Entertainment and Sony Playstation, alleged that women weren’t considered for senior roles during “calibration sessions” as much as men. According to Axios, the legal fight may still get bigger even though Majo’s initial lawsuit has been dismissed. Beeler did cite the declarations of the eight women, and noted that the declarations “may yield new allegations.” Majo also wanted to turn her suit into a class action claim on behalf of women who have worked for PlayStation, with Beeler denying Sony’s attempts at striking it.