Concerns shared regarding the remake primarily concerned the change of soundtrack, possibilities of censorship, changes to the story, improved graphics, and the lack of involvement from those who worked on the original title. In a brand new message, Dragami Games president, Yoshimi Yasuda has addressed the concerns of fans. Yasuda shares: “The primary goal of the Lollipop Chainsaw remake project is to make it so that players who wish to play Lollipop Chainsaw can do so easily, not to make a new Lollipop Chainsaw game. Of course, the ideal thing to do would be to make a remastered version of the original game, changing nothing. However, we were unfortunately unable to include 16 of the licensed songs, which were a great part of the original game’s feel, and so we are instead aiming for a remake that is as close as possible to a remaster.” When it comes to the story of Lollipop Chainsaw, Yasuda acknowledges that the story is exactly why so many people treasure the game. That being said, he states that “the story will not be changed in the remake.” Furthermore, the aesthetics of the game will remain unchanged. In the first announcement of the remake, Yasuda noted that the game would have improved graphics that offer a more realistic look to the game. “The mention of how the game will have a more realistic look in the previous announcement was meant to refer to how we will make use of the advanced rendering technology available in current game consoles,” says Yasuda. There are also no intentions to change the design of the protagonist, Juliet, who both the developer and fans feel incredibly attached to. In the final portion of Yasuda’s new message, he goes on to discuss censorship. On the topic, he says: “We have not yet discussed the issue with the platform holders yet, and thus cannot say anything about the topic, but what we can say is that we intend to negotiate with the platform holders to make it so that the game can be as close to the original version as possible.” So, it is not yet clear as to whether the Lollipop Chainsaw remake will be subject to any censorship, but we can certainly hope for the best outcome. It was previously revealed, following the initial announcement of the remake, that original game designer Suda51, and writer James Gunn, would not be working on the project. Similarly, Tara Strong, the voice behind Juliet, is not set to be involved in a remake. Fans have shown concern about this in response to the tweets made by Suda51 and Gunn, but Yasuda is yet to address why this is. However, Yasuda was the producer on the original game, and has advised that some development staff from the original will be working on the remake. Does this announcement quell your concerns at all? Or are you still worried about the fate of the Lollipop Chainsaw remake? Let us know down below.

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