Where do you find spotlight parts in Raft?

You need four spotlight parts to repair the spotlight and gain access to the tunnel. All four spotlight parts are scattered near each other, but since they’re underwater, you can only manage one at a time before your oxygen starts running out. Travel to the giant yellow crane on Varuna Point, then turn around and jump into the water. You’ll see a cluster of jellyfish lingering near an opening. Move past them and head inside. Try not to linger too long down here. Aside from the threat of oxygen depletion, you also have the new anglerfish threat to contend with.

First spotlight part location

Follow the corridor until you reach the far end, and turn right. Enter the door, then go into the room at the far end of this one, and you find the spotlight part sitting on a bed.

Second spotlight part location

Dive back down, and instead of turning right in the first hallway, turn left. There’s an anglerfish in the room, but you’re better off just ignoring it. Enter the room to your right, and the spotlight part is on a desk.

Third spotlight part location

The next part takes a bit more work. Once you enter the hole in the wall under the jellyfish, turn left and head into the elevator shaft. Turn around, and jump up to the ledge. Take a left, and follow the hallway to the door at the end. Enter the room, and grab the third part from the table to your right.

Fourth spotlight part location

The final part is also in the area above the elevator shaft, but instead of going in the hallway leading to the third part, walk up the scaffolding and emerge above the water. Climb up, turn left, and go inside the first room to your left. There’s another room at the far end of this one, and the last part is on a bureau inside. Once you’re back on your raft, you’ll want to start looking into building engine controls. Keeping a juicer around is a handy way to restore health in case of accidents - such as sharks or anglerfish - or if you just need a break, consider casting your line for a bit of fishing.

Raft spotlight   Where to find all spotlight parts - 92